Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A new creative space

I worked with my client, Dorie, rearranging and organizing her art studio yesterday. When I arrived she said she woke up with a headache thinking about all of the work, and how we were going to get it done. I looked at the room and wondered if I didn't feel a headache coming on too.

We chatted a bit about her art goals and what she wanted to create in the room. Dorie will be designing and knitting handbags, creating handmade books and eventually doing some watercolor paintings. Any items that didn't have to do with those goals either was donated or went to a relative or another room. By the time we completed the room we had a sack of old paints going to hazardous waste, 3 bags of recycling and a bag of items to donate. We both sat back and admired the room - it turned out gorgeous!

Dorie still has some boxes of papers and supplies to go through. But after 3 hours she has a studio she can create in! We just sat there and admired our work! The first picture (seen below) is the "after" pic, the other two photos are "before"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer, Your studio redo for Dorie looks great. I like the idea of setting art goals
    and keeping those supplies on hand and getting
    rid of the other stuff. Now I need to get to work cleaning out my studio! Paula
